Msmaylyn’s Blog

Just another weblog

.: When Abg’s Families came that night :. November 3, 2008

Filed under: AnA,Family,Raya — msmaylyn @ 12:18 pm

Last saturday, we invited abg’s family to come dinner at our house. Mama cooked nasi lemak lauk ayam goreng rempah, sambal udang, abg made his agar2 and I baked chocolate chips cupcakes again since ari tuh ramai yg xsempat nk merasa.

Around 830 sumer dh dtg la. Penuh rumah. Tapi sonok la tengok dorang makan beria. (*-*) sib baik.

Saiko xbdk kecik baju ijau tuh?
Meriah giler…nanti leh jemput lagik.

Budak demam.

Asyran. Sgt suke camera ok

ps: Kak wa from kuantan jek xde. Sian dorg slalu xde.
ps2: Hopefully nxt year raya rumah baru. (^-^)

.: When Abg’s Families came that night :.

Filed under: AnA,Family,Raya — msmaylyn @ 12:18 pm

Last saturday, we invited abg’s family to come dinner at our house. Mama cooked nasi lemak lauk ayam goreng rempah, sambal udang, abg made his agar2 and I baked chocolate chips cupcakes again since ari tuh ramai yg xsempat nk merasa.

Around 830 sumer dh dtg la. Penuh rumah. Tapi sonok la tengok dorang makan beria. (*-*) sib baik.

Saiko xbdk kecik baju ijau tuh?
Meriah giler…nanti leh jemput lagik.

Budak demam.

Asyran. Sgt suke camera ok

ps: Kak wa from kuantan jek xde. Sian dorg slalu xde.
ps2: Hopefully nxt year raya rumah baru. (^-^)

.: When Abg’s Families came that night :.

Filed under: AnA,Family,Raya — msmaylyn @ 4:18 am

Last saturday, we invited abg’s family to come dinner at our house. Mama cooked nasi lemak lauk ayam goreng rempah, sambal udang, abg made his agar2 and I baked chocolate chips cupcakes again since ari tuh ramai yg xsempat nk merasa.

Around 830 sumer dh dtg la. Penuh rumah. Tapi sonok la tengok dorang makan beria. (*-*) sib baik.

Saiko xbdk kecik baju ijau tuh?
Meriah giler…nanti leh jemput lagik.

Budak demam.

Asyran. Sgt suke camera ok

ps: Kak wa from kuantan jek xde. Sian dorg slalu xde.
ps2: Hopefully nxt year raya rumah baru. (^-^)

.: Open House :. October 24, 2008

Filed under: AnA,Celebrations,Friends,Raya — msmaylyn @ 12:43 am
Me, Syu and Hubby

Saturday ari tuh, wat makan makan tuk kawans. So sapa yg dtg jek la kwn. hahahha. Amek gambar pn xbyk sbb penat, ngan Syu jek. Sebab mcm cute lak dia pakai baju maternity tuh. To all yg datang , Thanks Ye!!! Tahun depan i wat makan makan lagik. Yang i xjemput tuh, confirm lepas pindah i jemput tau. Skrg dok flat kan agak terbatas la perbuatan.

I baked chocolates cupcakes, Spegetti kuah bolognese and cream sauce. Abg wat agar agar fruit cocktail ok. Hebat x abg i?? Then order roti jala kt Atam, cousin mama. Sesapa nk order pape sila kan ok. I masak sedap!!!

I wat sendiri ok. Saje jek ltk picas nihh..nnt kang xcaya lak

After baked.

Esoknye prepare nk masak kuah spaghetti

Nih wajib ke ada! baru la sedap…sila beli ok

apekah motif nih???

ps: Thanks to those came that night. (*-*), Please come again.


.: Open House :. October 23, 2008

Filed under: AnA,Celebrations,Friends,Raya — msmaylyn @ 4:43 pm
Me, Syu and Hubby

Saturday ari tuh, wat makan makan tuk kawans. So sapa yg dtg jek la kwn. hahahha. Amek gambar pn xbyk sbb penat, ngan Syu jek. Sebab mcm cute lak dia pakai baju maternity tuh. To all yg datang , Thanks Ye!!! Tahun depan i wat makan makan lagik. Yang i xjemput tuh, confirm lepas pindah i jemput tau. Skrg dok flat kan agak terbatas la perbuatan.

I baked chocolates cupcakes, Spegetti kuah bolognese and cream sauce. Abg wat agar agar fruit cocktail ok. Hebat x abg i?? Then order roti jala kt Atam, cousin mama. Sesapa nk order pape sila kan ok. I masak sedap!!!

I wat sendiri ok. Saje jek ltk picas nihh..nnt kang xcaya lak

After baked.

Esoknye prepare nk masak kuah spaghetti

Nih wajib ke ada! baru la sedap…sila beli ok

apekah motif nih???

ps: Thanks to those came that night. (*-*), Please come again.


.: Raya lagi :. October 7, 2008

Filed under: Abnormal Me,AnA,Family,Home Sweet Home,Raya — msmaylyn @ 9:45 pm
(Mama and her sisters. Plus Mak chah and her daughter in law. Me,Didi, Kakza, KakMaz and nini.)

I only took pictures using my camera phone. Why? Because none of us either me or abg willing to take the camera inside the car. Pathetic right? So i ended up using that camera phone. I think its time to buy other compact camera. Sangat tergedik, we sold 2 ours compact camera. The first one because abg bought DSLR. During that time, i was so busy. I was away almost every week. I was or still am devoted to my work. (yeahhhh right , if ever my colleague reads this we would gelak smpai terkojol). Then abg bought me another camera. But after sometime, i want a new one. (*-*) so we sold to Kak Ura. Actually the other reason were Kak Ura doesnt have a camera. She wouldnt buy by herself. So we sold including the battery charger, SD card and plus we loan her abg’s pc (not we, abg. The pc is not mine). Installment basis. I am a good sister in law. The only adek ipar she have.

Now, being so pain in the ass, i wanted a new one. So har jad. What is the relation raya and camera? The answer are bad quality raya pictures.

(Didi and I. She is my partner in crime. My childhood friend. BFF la)

Our second day raya (or should it second raya day?) was very hectic. Ewahhh. We managed to visit at least 7 houses. Start with mama’s aunt, we called her Wan Jah. This is our yearly raya routine on 2nd raya. She will prepare Tempoyak (atleast 2types), rendangs, rice ectera ectera. She is old. I tell you. 86 yrs old this year. Kenyang giler. Her house at Sungai Tua. Then we headed to my uncle’s house (mama’s cousin). Yang i hangen (not me alone, all the cuzen cuzen la) mama and her sisters wanted to wait their long lost cousin (Titi nama dia). Bapaknye lama tahu tak. Since the first house we waited. Then moved to second house. After wanted a few hours, we made our way to 3rd house. Rumah Mak Chah. Cuzen mama gak. She is Faizal Tahir’s Mother in Law. (^,^). We waited for Makcik Titi for an hour. Then they came. Hahhaha so jejak kaseh, kami cuzen2 dh nk larik dh. Because all the makcik makcik berebut kenalkan anak2 masing. “Titi, nih la anak kakngah yg sulung. Nih laki nye. Nih anak nye. haah sorg jek anak” bla bla bla. Mama lak,”Titi, ni la anak cik. Asben nye tah mana. Anak belum lagik” Waduhhh sorg sorg ok. Yang Titi nih lak perkenalkan lak her children. Me and the cuzen dok gelak jek.”Titi, yang sipolan polan tuh ada lagik ke?” “oohhhh tuh ada lagik tp igt x bla bla bla dh lama mati” Ya allah bile la nk abes nih???

hahaha Abg and i promised to his eldest brother to come raya to his house. Takut xsempat la kan. Then after the jejak kaseh, we brought adam and didi to melawat our house. Tengok rangka jek la. Adam la excited. Bile la nk mature this boy. Then we headed to Makcik house at Seri Gombak. Penat ok. Makcik is mama’s sister in law. Pakcik passed away at mekah.

Around 4ish pm, then only we headed to Batang Kali. Rumah my brother in law. They served us with nasik. Aduyai…nak nagis dh nih. But being a nice people like us, kami makan jua. After asar we went to abg’s cousin house at Bukit Beruntung. Huh masa nih mmg teringat kt katil bantal jek. Makan KFC. hehehe masa nih mmg xleh blah dh. Tp mengambil hati tuan rumah i makan la sket.

At 9pm tuh we made our move to kepong. Rumah Mak Ayah. Badan dh lekit. Mata xleh nk Bukak. So titon la.

(Kak Za’s Daughter. My favorite niece. Sangat sayang kat nana nih. Dulu i jaga dia. Dh standard 4 dh)

ps: Lets recount…hurmmm only 6houses la. Cehh simple calculation pn salah.

ps2: Now Mak cik Titi berada di mana mana open house/kenduri rumah family saya. Menantu dia juga pregnant. Cube berbaik baik ngan cuzen cuzen yg lain. Tetapi kami kejam. hahhaa mana bole trus BFF kan?


.: Raya lagi :.

Filed under: Abnormal Me,AnA,Family,Home Sweet Home,Raya — msmaylyn @ 1:45 pm
(Mama and her sisters. Plus Mak chah and her daughter in law. Me,Didi, Kakza, KakMaz and nini.)

I only took pictures using my camera phone. Why? Because none of us either me or abg willing to take the camera inside the car. Pathetic right? So i ended up using that camera phone. I think its time to buy other compact camera. Sangat tergedik, we sold 2 ours compact camera. The first one because abg bought DSLR. During that time, i was so busy. I was away almost every week. I was or still am devoted to my work. (yeahhhh right , if ever my colleague reads this we would gelak smpai terkojol). Then abg bought me another camera. But after sometime, i want a new one. (*-*) so we sold to Kak Ura. Actually the other reason were Kak Ura doesnt have a camera. She wouldnt buy by herself. So we sold including the battery charger, SD card and plus we loan her abg’s pc (not we, abg. The pc is not mine). Installment basis. I am a good sister in law. The only adek ipar she have.

Now, being so pain in the ass, i wanted a new one. So har jad. What is the relation raya and camera? The answer are bad quality raya pictures.

(Didi and I. She is my partner in crime. My childhood friend. BFF la)

Our second day raya (or should it second raya day?) was very hectic. Ewahhh. We managed to visit at least 7 houses. Start with mama’s aunt, we called her Wan Jah. This is our yearly raya routine on 2nd raya. She will prepare Tempoyak (atleast 2types), rendangs, rice ectera ectera. She is old. I tell you. 86 yrs old this year. Kenyang giler. Her house at Sungai Tua. Then we headed to my uncle’s house (mama’s cousin). Yang i hangen (not me alone, all the cuzen cuzen la) mama and her sisters wanted to wait their long lost cousin (Titi nama dia). Bapaknye lama tahu tak. Since the first house we waited. Then moved to second house. After wanted a few hours, we made our way to 3rd house. Rumah Mak Chah. Cuzen mama gak. She is Faizal Tahir’s Mother in Law. (^,^). We waited for Makcik Titi for an hour. Then they came. Hahhaha so jejak kaseh, kami cuzen2 dh nk larik dh. Because all the makcik makcik berebut kenalkan anak2 masing. “Titi, nih la anak kakngah yg sulung. Nih laki nye. Nih anak nye. haah sorg jek anak” bla bla bla. Mama lak,”Titi, ni la anak cik. Asben nye tah mana. Anak belum lagik” Waduhhh sorg sorg ok. Yang Titi nih lak perkenalkan lak her children. Me and the cuzen dok gelak jek.”Titi, yang sipolan polan tuh ada lagik ke?” “oohhhh tuh ada lagik tp igt x bla bla bla dh lama mati” Ya allah bile la nk abes nih???

hahaha Abg and i promised to his eldest brother to come raya to his house. Takut xsempat la kan. Then after the jejak kaseh, we brought adam and didi to melawat our house. Tengok rangka jek la. Adam la excited. Bile la nk mature this boy. Then we headed to Makcik house at Seri Gombak. Penat ok. Makcik is mama’s sister in law. Pakcik passed away at mekah.

Around 4ish pm, then only we headed to Batang Kali. Rumah my brother in law. They served us with nasik. Aduyai…nak nagis dh nih. But being a nice people like us, kami makan jua. After asar we went to abg’s cousin house at Bukit Beruntung. Huh masa nih mmg teringat kt katil bantal jek. Makan KFC. hehehe masa nih mmg xleh blah dh. Tp mengambil hati tuan rumah i makan la sket.

At 9pm tuh we made our move to kepong. Rumah Mak Ayah. Badan dh lekit. Mata xleh nk Bukak. So titon la.

(Kak Za’s Daughter. My favorite niece. Sangat sayang kat nana nih. Dulu i jaga dia. Dh standard 4 dh)

ps: Lets recount…hurmmm only 6houses la. Cehh simple calculation pn salah.

ps2: Now Mak cik Titi berada di mana mana open house/kenduri rumah family saya. Menantu dia juga pregnant. Cube berbaik baik ngan cuzen cuzen yg lain. Tetapi kami kejam. hahhaa mana bole trus BFF kan?


.: Raya :. October 6, 2008

Filed under: AnA,AnumMama,Family,Raya — msmaylyn @ 3:54 pm

Fuhh (*-*), banyak yg nk di ceritakan. Ist raya, abg & I raya berdua dulu kt rumah. Bermaaf maafan. Mintak ampun. Nangis seh I. Nampak sangat byk dosa. Added to the sadness , we havent have baby yet. Xpela xde rezeki kan. After pemgampunan, we headed to kepong. None of tok mat’s children were there. Ayah was waiting for us. Kak ura tgh makan. Mak havent siap.Then salam raya with ayah & mak. Ayah hold me awhile. Aduh sayu ok. Tingat ayah gue.

Then family per family came except for kak wa’s family and abg ijun’s family. They rayaed th their inlaw’s first. Owh i left abg’s slr at shah alam. Harus la laki i muncung. hehehe Luckily we sold our compact camera to kak ura. Ngan camera tuh la beraya. Ngan camera phone i.

Noon macam tuh headed to ayah’s adek beradek house at gombak. At least xde la byk sgt ruma nk ziarah after this. We only managed to raya 3 houses. Nak raya ngan mama lak. Kak ura pn nk blk kg abg fezul. So we headed to shah alam and raya raya. Salam ngan mama, ternangis la sket then dia kata xyah la nk nangis. huh xfeel lgsg la dia nih. (*_*)

Gik rumah my grandparents. Sampai malam. Atuk mcm xnk kasik blk. Ayah still xpulang ke pangkuan jalan. Huh asal la ayah i nih. Then gik rumah cousin i kt subang. Makan nasik dagang then main uno stacko ngan adam.

Dalam sejuk2 tuh, bengong ok layan main uno stacko tuh. Skali bile papa dia masuk bilik, terkejut ok. Tp uno stacko nih xselayan uno cards la.

Kul 10 tuh, we headed to home. Kepong la. Badan dh melekit and penat gile. Sesampai kepong jek Kak wa dh smpi. Dah nk tido dh. I pn mandi manda then tido, since 2nd raya ada atleast 5 rumah to visit. Huh.

ps: I xmakan sgt akibat penat di jalan raya.

ps2 : I pn dapat angpau juge…(*-^)


.: Before Raya :.

Filed under: Abnormal Me,AnA,Berbuka Puasa,Family,Raya — msmaylyn @ 3:07 pm

This is what IBM gave to all the staff. Inside ada 4 pieces of dodol.

On weekend yang before raya tuh, seriously i xingat what we did. Serious!! langsung xingat. On monday, abg went to other interview (yup, he did!) i was cleaning the house la. But actually half of day i was stuck with dismantle my pc table to be given to kak ura. My pc were at Kepong since we’re married. And abg brought his pc, now our flat getting crowded so we decided to give (err loan i must say (*-*)) to kak ura. Our room at kepong pn dh nk pecah since sumer our wedding gifts kt sana including my pc, abg’s old pc (which is i don’t know why he still keeping it), two printers (yang nih pn dh rosak). Kak ura did some cleaning and moving her furniture inside her room to accommodate the pc from us. hehehhe Alhamdullilah tidak kesemakan mata i. Kak ura said she only take care the pc not own it. If ada rezeki nnt la ye kak ura, i give u 1.

i have spent 2 hours to arrange mini teddy’s. Ingat x? when i was sometime in form 5 hurmm or masa kt college, mcd ada jual bear kecik2 yang 1 pair2 tuh? igt x? My uncle ( i called him ayah) made me a wooden frame to put all the bears. Last year i wanted to paint the frame on red. We already bought the paint but nampaknye kemalasan menghantui diri i. So i xpaint pn the frame. i put double sided tape kt tapak kaki bear tuh, so that they stand still. I have all of it. Ofcourse la mama yg bersusah payah beratur membeli nye. (*-*)

Later, malam tuh, went back to kepong. Sahaje la. Sampai2 jek ayah marah sbb xbuke sama, because i did mentioned to kak ura. Segan asek mkn sana. hahhaha yela i xmasak if i kt kepong. (“,) Hah! I managed to anyam ketupat. hahaha Peningkatan after yearly attempt xpenah dpt abes kan. I did 6 ketupats. Okla tuh. Abg fezul(kak ura’s hubby) belajar gak, tp he failed miserably. Abg? xyah la. Dia main ps2 kt bilik.

Raya eve, hrmmm we woke up at 9am, got ready to annette’s house. But on the way to shah alam, singgah 1utama to take my jeans alter kt sana. And did some bills payment. I wanted to settle all the bills gak since raya nih kang terpakai lak duit nk byr bills.

Sampai shah alam dlam 11 ke 12, my aunties dh siap2 nak masak dh. Rendang pn dh tumis, ketupat pn dh jerang. So i hanya wat keje keje ringan jek. Gik giant since ada my cousin nk beli brg. Sana jek dh dekat 3hours. Best la. Yang best tahun nih my cousin brother yg kacau and jaga rendang. hehhehe bagus. Should be everyyear la starting this year.

After buke, solat magrib sendiri2 but solat isya berjemaah and also takbir. I did tahlil for my late families. Sedih ok. How i missed along so much. Owh, i bought mama and her sister tudung. Sama jek sumer but different color.

Then gossip2, everyone pn nak blk. We singgah kepong since slalu nye malam raya, abg’s siblings will gather together. At 1 ke 2 baru balik ke rumah.

Balik jek rumah, terus smbg doing house work and prepare baju for raya. huh. How time flies…sangat sekejap ramadhan. I wish i am better person now. Insya Allah.

ps: Usually, at this time i would miss ayah. I havent meet him since my wedding day. Sometimes i wonder whether he feel the same with me…


.: Raya :.

Filed under: AnA,AnumMama,Family,Raya — msmaylyn @ 7:54 am

Fuhh (*-*), banyak yg nk di ceritakan. Ist raya, abg & I raya berdua dulu kt rumah. Bermaaf maafan. Mintak ampun. Nangis seh I. Nampak sangat byk dosa. Added to the sadness , we havent have baby yet. Xpela xde rezeki kan. After pemgampunan, we headed to kepong. None of tok mat’s children were there. Ayah was waiting for us. Kak ura tgh makan. Mak havent siap.Then salam raya with ayah & mak. Ayah hold me awhile. Aduh sayu ok. Tingat ayah gue.

Then family per family came except for kak wa’s family and abg ijun’s family. They rayaed th their inlaw’s first. Owh i left abg’s slr at shah alam. Harus la laki i muncung. hehehe Luckily we sold our compact camera to kak ura. Ngan camera tuh la beraya. Ngan camera phone i.

Noon macam tuh headed to ayah’s adek beradek house at gombak. At least xde la byk sgt ruma nk ziarah after this. We only managed to raya 3 houses. Nak raya ngan mama lak. Kak ura pn nk blk kg abg fezul. So we headed to shah alam and raya raya. Salam ngan mama, ternangis la sket then dia kata xyah la nk nangis. huh xfeel lgsg la dia nih. (*_*)

Gik rumah my grandparents. Sampai malam. Atuk mcm xnk kasik blk. Ayah still xpulang ke pangkuan jalan. Huh asal la ayah i nih. Then gik rumah cousin i kt subang. Makan nasik dagang then main uno stacko ngan adam.

Dalam sejuk2 tuh, bengong ok layan main uno stacko tuh. Skali bile papa dia masuk bilik, terkejut ok. Tp uno stacko nih xselayan uno cards la.

Kul 10 tuh, we headed to home. Kepong la. Badan dh melekit and penat gile. Sesampai kepong jek Kak wa dh smpi. Dah nk tido dh. I pn mandi manda then tido, since 2nd raya ada atleast 5 rumah to visit. Huh.

ps: I xmakan sgt akibat penat di jalan raya.

ps2 : I pn dapat angpau juge…(*-^)