Msmaylyn’s Blog

Just another weblog

.: Before Raya :. October 6, 2008

Filed under: Abnormal Me,AnA,Berbuka Puasa,Family,Raya — msmaylyn @ 3:07 pm

This is what IBM gave to all the staff. Inside ada 4 pieces of dodol.

On weekend yang before raya tuh, seriously i xingat what we did. Serious!! langsung xingat. On monday, abg went to other interview (yup, he did!) i was cleaning the house la. But actually half of day i was stuck with dismantle my pc table to be given to kak ura. My pc were at Kepong since we’re married. And abg brought his pc, now our flat getting crowded so we decided to give (err loan i must say (*-*)) to kak ura. Our room at kepong pn dh nk pecah since sumer our wedding gifts kt sana including my pc, abg’s old pc (which is i don’t know why he still keeping it), two printers (yang nih pn dh rosak). Kak ura did some cleaning and moving her furniture inside her room to accommodate the pc from us. hehehhe Alhamdullilah tidak kesemakan mata i. Kak ura said she only take care the pc not own it. If ada rezeki nnt la ye kak ura, i give u 1.

i have spent 2 hours to arrange mini teddy’s. Ingat x? when i was sometime in form 5 hurmm or masa kt college, mcd ada jual bear kecik2 yang 1 pair2 tuh? igt x? My uncle ( i called him ayah) made me a wooden frame to put all the bears. Last year i wanted to paint the frame on red. We already bought the paint but nampaknye kemalasan menghantui diri i. So i xpaint pn the frame. i put double sided tape kt tapak kaki bear tuh, so that they stand still. I have all of it. Ofcourse la mama yg bersusah payah beratur membeli nye. (*-*)

Later, malam tuh, went back to kepong. Sahaje la. Sampai2 jek ayah marah sbb xbuke sama, because i did mentioned to kak ura. Segan asek mkn sana. hahhaha yela i xmasak if i kt kepong. (“,) Hah! I managed to anyam ketupat. hahaha Peningkatan after yearly attempt xpenah dpt abes kan. I did 6 ketupats. Okla tuh. Abg fezul(kak ura’s hubby) belajar gak, tp he failed miserably. Abg? xyah la. Dia main ps2 kt bilik.

Raya eve, hrmmm we woke up at 9am, got ready to annette’s house. But on the way to shah alam, singgah 1utama to take my jeans alter kt sana. And did some bills payment. I wanted to settle all the bills gak since raya nih kang terpakai lak duit nk byr bills.

Sampai shah alam dlam 11 ke 12, my aunties dh siap2 nak masak dh. Rendang pn dh tumis, ketupat pn dh jerang. So i hanya wat keje keje ringan jek. Gik giant since ada my cousin nk beli brg. Sana jek dh dekat 3hours. Best la. Yang best tahun nih my cousin brother yg kacau and jaga rendang. hehhehe bagus. Should be everyyear la starting this year.

After buke, solat magrib sendiri2 but solat isya berjemaah and also takbir. I did tahlil for my late families. Sedih ok. How i missed along so much. Owh, i bought mama and her sister tudung. Sama jek sumer but different color.

Then gossip2, everyone pn nak blk. We singgah kepong since slalu nye malam raya, abg’s siblings will gather together. At 1 ke 2 baru balik ke rumah.

Balik jek rumah, terus smbg doing house work and prepare baju for raya. huh. How time flies…sangat sekejap ramadhan. I wish i am better person now. Insya Allah.

ps: Usually, at this time i would miss ayah. I havent meet him since my wedding day. Sometimes i wonder whether he feel the same with me…


.: Before Raya :.

Filed under: Abnormal Me,AnA,Berbuka Puasa,Family,Raya — msmaylyn @ 7:07 am

This is what IBM gave to all the staff. Inside ada 4 pieces of dodol.

On weekend yang before raya tuh, seriously i xingat what we did. Serious!! langsung xingat. On monday, abg went to other interview (yup, he did!) i was cleaning the house la. But actually half of day i was stuck with dismantle my pc table to be given to kak ura. My pc were at Kepong since we’re married. And abg brought his pc, now our flat getting crowded so we decided to give (err loan i must say (*-*)) to kak ura. Our room at kepong pn dh nk pecah since sumer our wedding gifts kt sana including my pc, abg’s old pc (which is i don’t know why he still keeping it), two printers (yang nih pn dh rosak). Kak ura did some cleaning and moving her furniture inside her room to accommodate the pc from us. hehehhe Alhamdullilah tidak kesemakan mata i. Kak ura said she only take care the pc not own it. If ada rezeki nnt la ye kak ura, i give u 1.

i have spent 2 hours to arrange mini teddy’s. Ingat x? when i was sometime in form 5 hurmm or masa kt college, mcd ada jual bear kecik2 yang 1 pair2 tuh? igt x? My uncle ( i called him ayah) made me a wooden frame to put all the bears. Last year i wanted to paint the frame on red. We already bought the paint but nampaknye kemalasan menghantui diri i. So i xpaint pn the frame. i put double sided tape kt tapak kaki bear tuh, so that they stand still. I have all of it. Ofcourse la mama yg bersusah payah beratur membeli nye. (*-*)

Later, malam tuh, went back to kepong. Sahaje la. Sampai2 jek ayah marah sbb xbuke sama, because i did mentioned to kak ura. Segan asek mkn sana. hahhaha yela i xmasak if i kt kepong. (“,) Hah! I managed to anyam ketupat. hahaha Peningkatan after yearly attempt xpenah dpt abes kan. I did 6 ketupats. Okla tuh. Abg fezul(kak ura’s hubby) belajar gak, tp he failed miserably. Abg? xyah la. Dia main ps2 kt bilik.

Raya eve, hrmmm we woke up at 9am, got ready to annette’s house. But on the way to shah alam, singgah 1utama to take my jeans alter kt sana. And did some bills payment. I wanted to settle all the bills gak since raya nih kang terpakai lak duit nk byr bills.

Sampai shah alam dlam 11 ke 12, my aunties dh siap2 nak masak dh. Rendang pn dh tumis, ketupat pn dh jerang. So i hanya wat keje keje ringan jek. Gik giant since ada my cousin nk beli brg. Sana jek dh dekat 3hours. Best la. Yang best tahun nih my cousin brother yg kacau and jaga rendang. hehhehe bagus. Should be everyyear la starting this year.

After buke, solat magrib sendiri2 but solat isya berjemaah and also takbir. I did tahlil for my late families. Sedih ok. How i missed along so much. Owh, i bought mama and her sister tudung. Sama jek sumer but different color.

Then gossip2, everyone pn nak blk. We singgah kepong since slalu nye malam raya, abg’s siblings will gather together. At 1 ke 2 baru balik ke rumah.

Balik jek rumah, terus smbg doing house work and prepare baju for raya. huh. How time flies…sangat sekejap ramadhan. I wish i am better person now. Insya Allah.

ps: Usually, at this time i would miss ayah. I havent meet him since my wedding day. Sometimes i wonder whether he feel the same with me…


.: Buke with the girls :. September 21, 2008

Filed under: Berbuka Puasa,BFF,Friends,The Girls — msmaylyn @ 11:38 pm

Tadik went berbuke with the girlfriends plus the hubbies. (Ok, noni not yet (*-*) ke dh nk dekat?) The venue was at Tmor Place , Taman Dagang. Same row with Wong Solo. The buffet priced RM20 per pax, better than Kunang2 last year! The food was ok. Replenish jugak la. Variety gak. But tmpt solat dia only for ladies. Kena gilir2.

Everyone except Ila cudnt make it. She said she totally forgot about the breakfast get together. hrmmm ila, please explain. Noni brought Hafiz. The status? I even dared to ask. Everyone wanted to go back early, by 830pm every salam2 amek gambar and blk. None of us didnt bring the camera. They assumed Abg brought his. Terlupa because pagi tuh went to klcc for a quick shopping.

So, we end up taking pictures with phone camera. We managed took only 2. Girls, looking forward to meet again. Nantila after raya ok.

ps: I dunno whether this year ada open house or not. (*-*) Nanti I update.
ps2: Saya sgt gumbira ketemuk mereka!!!

.: Buke with the girls :.

Filed under: Berbuka Puasa,BFF,Friends,The Girls — msmaylyn @ 3:38 pm

Tadik went berbuke with the girlfriends plus the hubbies. (Ok, noni not yet (*-*) ke dh nk dekat?) The venue was at Tmor Place , Taman Dagang. Same row with Wong Solo. The buffet priced RM20 per pax, better than Kunang2 last year! The food was ok. Replenish jugak la. Variety gak. But tmpt solat dia only for ladies. Kena gilir2.

Everyone except Ila cudnt make it. She said she totally forgot about the breakfast get together. hrmmm ila, please explain. Noni brought Hafiz. The status? I even dared to ask. Everyone wanted to go back early, by 830pm every salam2 amek gambar and blk. None of us didnt bring the camera. They assumed Abg brought his. Terlupa because pagi tuh went to klcc for a quick shopping.

So, we end up taking pictures with phone camera. We managed took only 2. Girls, looking forward to meet again. Nantila after raya ok.

ps: I dunno whether this year ada open house or not. (*-*) Nanti I update.
ps2: Saya sgt gumbira ketemuk mereka!!!

++ 1st Raya with HIM ++ November 6, 2007

Filed under: Annette,Berbuka Puasa,Family,Raya — msmaylyn @ 9:04 pm
Huh…nothing much to tell. Raya eve at annette’s house-yearly event. We made ketupats, rendangs, kuah kacang, chicken ..i dunno the menu and some dishes for berbuka puasa later on. Since hubby still working, i went alone that morning and helped all the aunties, uncles, cousins.

Later, picked up hubby at Komuter Station. We had our last buka puasa at annette’s house. Solat Isya’ together and also tahlil. After supper, we headed to Kepong (Parent in law’s house).

All hubby’s siblings were there except Kak wa’s family in Kuantan. “Beramah Mesra” then by midnight Tok Mat’s house began to empty. We went back to our house since 1st raya this year this my turn.
I forgot to take hubby’s sampeng. We had to change our plan. hahahahha Hubby should be wearing purple baju melayu since my was purple but i mistake then he wore our baju melayu sanding in lite blue.. Kira oklaaa kan….
Raya!!! Hubby went for raya prayer at mosque nearby while i got ready. After that we headed to mak’s house. Mama as default will be at her elders sister house. Bersalam salaman. Makan. Riang Ria Hari Raya.

Later that evening, we wanted to raya ayah’s house.huh he was not at home. Then we went Wan’s house(ayah’s parent) . Spend not more than 1 hour. We off to hubby’s side families.

We managed to raya at Along’s House, Pok Teh & Acik. Huh seriously…i cant take it any more. huhuhuuh PENAT TAHAP DEWA DEWI….Went back to kepong…
End of my 1st raya with hubby…

All of us

Me with hubby and mama

ps: I have a nice to remember raya with hubby…

++ Picas @ JW Marriott ++

Filed under: Berbuka Puasa,Friends,Outings — msmaylyn @ 7:27 pm

All the picas taken way back berbuka puasa with Nizam, Timmy, Krail, Hubby and i at JW Marriott. See all picas here .

Waiting for timmy & krail. Nizam with us.

Hubby & i

108 dishes. huhuhu not even half we ate.

Hubby snap this for us.. i likeee


++ 1st Raya with HIM ++

Filed under: Annette,Berbuka Puasa,Family,Raya — msmaylyn @ 1:04 pm
Huh…nothing much to tell. Raya eve at annette’s house-yearly event. We made ketupats, rendangs, kuah kacang, chicken ..i dunno the menu and some dishes for berbuka puasa later on. Since hubby still working, i went alone that morning and helped all the aunties, uncles, cousins.

Later, picked up hubby at Komuter Station. We had our last buka puasa at annette’s house. Solat Isya’ together and also tahlil. After supper, we headed to Kepong (Parent in law’s house).

All hubby’s siblings were there except Kak wa’s family in Kuantan. “Beramah Mesra” then by midnight Tok Mat’s house began to empty. We went back to our house since 1st raya this year this my turn.
I forgot to take hubby’s sampeng. We had to change our plan. hahahahha Hubby should be wearing purple baju melayu since my was purple but i mistake then he wore our baju melayu sanding in lite blue.. Kira oklaaa kan….
Raya!!! Hubby went for raya prayer at mosque nearby while i got ready. After that we headed to mak’s house. Mama as default will be at her elders sister house. Bersalam salaman. Makan. Riang Ria Hari Raya.

Later that evening, we wanted to raya ayah’s house.huh he was not at home. Then we went Wan’s house(ayah’s parent) . Spend not more than 1 hour. We off to hubby’s side families.

We managed to raya at Along’s House, Pok Teh & Acik. Huh seriously…i cant take it any more. huhuhuuh PENAT TAHAP DEWA DEWI….Went back to kepong…
End of my 1st raya with hubby…

All of us

Me with hubby and mama

ps: I have a nice to remember raya with hubby…

++ Picas @ JW Marriott ++

Filed under: Berbuka Puasa,Friends,Outings — msmaylyn @ 11:27 am

All the picas taken way back berbuka puasa with Nizam, Timmy, Krail, Hubby and i at JW Marriott. See all picas here .

Waiting for timmy & krail. Nizam with us.

Hubby & i

108 dishes. huhuhu not even half we ate.

Hubby snap this for us.. i likeee


.: Break Fast @Kunang Kunang :. October 1, 2007

Filed under: Aimians,Berbuka Puasa — msmaylyn @ 12:39 pm

Last nite we went to kunang kunang for berbuka puasa. Organised by Bullet & Hubby for Aimians.

Hubby smsed all aimians in his contact list about the berbuka puasa event. RSVP before Sept 23 the sms said. But as usual no one have intentions to reply or what so ever. So hubby make rsvp for 20paxs since late replies and some bullet made them to say yes (i guessed). Looking the confirmed list, i would say i dont to go. Since a few from my batch (Hubby, me, yana -yup only 3 of us).

But being a good wife..i followed my hubby. Huh!! From in parent in law’s house, we went back to change (since i didnt bring any extra clothes coz i was planned not going). Around 630pm headed to Kunang kunang, syamin called and asked us to meet him at Balai Polis Gombak. He’s from Penang so not familiar with the route.

Luckily Timmy (she also having berbuka puasa there) called and we asked she to take the booking number for us. TQ dear. A few arrived. Till 710pm only 14 of us. erk??? Where’s the others?

No show/turned up.. huh hubby said “there i told u so”

To the “No show/turned up” : Pls a least inform if you re not coming.

Kunang kunang itselft , i really disappointed with the food. Tasteless not variety at all. The rice was raw, yuckkkkk…

why oh why… ?????

ps: picas will upload later…

till again..


.: Break Fast @Kunang Kunang :.

Filed under: Aimians,Berbuka Puasa — msmaylyn @ 4:39 am

Last nite we went to kunang kunang for berbuka puasa. Organised by Bullet & Hubby for Aimians.

Hubby smsed all aimians in his contact list about the berbuka puasa event. RSVP before Sept 23 the sms said. But as usual no one have intentions to reply or what so ever. So hubby make rsvp for 20paxs since late replies and some bullet made them to say yes (i guessed). Looking the confirmed list, i would say i dont to go. Since a few from my batch (Hubby, me, yana -yup only 3 of us).

But being a good wife..i followed my hubby. Huh!! From in parent in law’s house, we went back to change (since i didnt bring any extra clothes coz i was planned not going). Around 630pm headed to Kunang kunang, syamin called and asked us to meet him at Balai Polis Gombak. He’s from Penang so not familiar with the route.

Luckily Timmy (she also having berbuka puasa there) called and we asked she to take the booking number for us. TQ dear. A few arrived. Till 710pm only 14 of us. erk??? Where’s the others?

No show/turned up.. huh hubby said “there i told u so”

To the “No show/turned up” : Pls a least inform if you re not coming.

Kunang kunang itselft , i really disappointed with the food. Tasteless not variety at all. The rice was raw, yuckkkkk…

why oh why… ?????

ps: picas will upload later…

till again..