Msmaylyn’s Blog

Just another weblog

.: :. October 28, 2008

Filed under: AnA,Fotogorgeous — msmaylyn @ 10:58 pm

ps: Not mine…
ps2 : Click (*-*)


.: :.

Filed under: AnA,Fotogorgeous — msmaylyn @ 2:58 pm

ps: Not mine…
ps2 : Click (*-*)


.: Khayra’s Aqiqah :. October 27, 2008

Filed under: AnA,Annette,Celebrations,Family — msmaylyn @ 2:22 pm

Sangat la cute niece I sorang nihh.. She will be 2months. So yesterday her ummi and abah decided to do Aqiqah for her and also raya open house. Annette was so happy with the new comer in the family. Cik Lee xyah nk cakap. “Come with Atuk” Atuk bwk jalan jalan kt garden. She is so Atuk’s favorite. xnanges pn. Klu ngan Wan dia, nanges2. Naughty ok Kharya. My family would botak kan the hair. Kira xnk simpan rambut from perut la. Lucky we shaved her head, her nini didn’t noticed taik sawan (my families called that), its actually some sort of dandruff thingy la. Usually babies would have that taik sawan. If not when she grow up, it can lead to scalp problem.

Amek gmbr kt tmn ciklee. Mereke kaya ok. Kerdil lak i rasa.

But Masa nk shave she cries. Alahai sian nye. Malam terus tido. Penat sgt la tuh. We even make pelamin for her. Beria all of us. Kenduri Aqiqah pn dh mcm my kenduri kawen. Since both of annette and ciklee ramai kawan and not to mention sedara mara. Penin jap.

Abg were fotogorgeous yesterday. But didnt edit pape pn. Nnt bile siap Khayra’s Photobook I update her pictures eh.

The conversation below would make my rakan-xberapa-nak-sebaya muntah darah. But what the heck la kan.Makcik2 marhaban still remembers me, sgt sweet. Because a day before my akad nikah, we had this marhaban came over. So some of them teringat2 la kt I yg muda Jelita nih (“,).

Makcik Marhaban : Anak nih yang kawen ari tuh ye?
Me: Bukan2 Saya yg first2 kenduri tuh. Dah lama dh 2tahun lps.
Makcik Marhaban : Owh yela, muda jek acik tgk ko nih, baper umur skrg? Kawen masa belajar ke? (gile ke ape makcik nih, I kawen masa belajar, nk kena sepak laju2 ngan mama?)
Me: Eh x la, saya dh keje. Dh 2* (I agak malas la kan nk tulis baper, takut u all terkejut lak awet muda i hahahahha)
Makcik Marhaban : Hurmmm, macam baya2 anak acik jek ko, 23 umur dia.
Me : (Sambil blushing, tersengih2 mcm kambeng) Makcik nk saya anta sampai rumah ke?

I have told mereke2 di luar sana, I nih muda from my age. hahahha KEJI nye statement. Sila muntah darah sambil terguling2.

Later guys.

Ps : Kepada2, makcik tuh telah membuktikan yg I muda.
ps2: shud i say more???
ps3: pictures courtesy from fotogorgeous


.: Something for Khayra Amirah :.

Filed under: Celebrations,Family,stuff — msmaylyn @ 1:58 pm

picture courtesy from:

We (KakMaz,KakZa,DD & I) bought this for Khayra. Me and KakZa went to Toys’R’Us Subang Parade. Toys aint cheap. It can cost you hundreds or even thousands. Sometimes been in children/babies department can be stressed and frustrated since I am looking forward to get pregnant. (*-*) My anniversary is coming. Yup our marriage will be 2years old. I hope we will cherish the relationship till the end. Insya Allah.

Ps : Cant hardly wait to buy baby stuff.

Ps2 : Syu, I cant afford to buy you this la. Hehhehe I have shortlisted a few for your lil boy.


.: Khayra’s Aqiqah :.

Filed under: AnA,Annette,Celebrations,Family — msmaylyn @ 6:22 am

Sangat la cute niece I sorang nihh.. She will be 2months. So yesterday her ummi and abah decided to do Aqiqah for her and also raya open house. Annette was so happy with the new comer in the family. Cik Lee xyah nk cakap. “Come with Atuk” Atuk bwk jalan jalan kt garden. She is so Atuk’s favorite. xnanges pn. Klu ngan Wan dia, nanges2. Naughty ok Kharya. My family would botak kan the hair. Kira xnk simpan rambut from perut la. Lucky we shaved her head, her nini didn’t noticed taik sawan (my families called that), its actually some sort of dandruff thingy la. Usually babies would have that taik sawan. If not when she grow up, it can lead to scalp problem.

Amek gmbr kt tmn ciklee. Mereke kaya ok. Kerdil lak i rasa.

But Masa nk shave she cries. Alahai sian nye. Malam terus tido. Penat sgt la tuh. We even make pelamin for her. Beria all of us. Kenduri Aqiqah pn dh mcm my kenduri kawen. Since both of annette and ciklee ramai kawan and not to mention sedara mara. Penin jap.

Abg were fotogorgeous yesterday. But didnt edit pape pn. Nnt bile siap Khayra’s Photobook I update her pictures eh.

The conversation below would make my rakan-xberapa-nak-sebaya muntah darah. But what the heck la kan.Makcik2 marhaban still remembers me, sgt sweet. Because a day before my akad nikah, we had this marhaban came over. So some of them teringat2 la kt I yg muda Jelita nih (“,).

Makcik Marhaban : Anak nih yang kawen ari tuh ye?
Me: Bukan2 Saya yg first2 kenduri tuh. Dah lama dh 2tahun lps.
Makcik Marhaban : Owh yela, muda jek acik tgk ko nih, baper umur skrg? Kawen masa belajar ke? (gile ke ape makcik nih, I kawen masa belajar, nk kena sepak laju2 ngan mama?)
Me: Eh x la, saya dh keje. Dh 2* (I agak malas la kan nk tulis baper, takut u all terkejut lak awet muda i hahahahha)
Makcik Marhaban : Hurmmm, macam baya2 anak acik jek ko, 23 umur dia.
Me : (Sambil blushing, tersengih2 mcm kambeng) Makcik nk saya anta sampai rumah ke?

I have told mereke2 di luar sana, I nih muda from my age. hahahha KEJI nye statement. Sila muntah darah sambil terguling2.

Later guys.

Ps : Kepada2, makcik tuh telah membuktikan yg I muda.
ps2: shud i say more???
ps3: pictures courtesy from fotogorgeous


.: Something for Khayra Amirah :.

Filed under: Celebrations,Family,stuff — msmaylyn @ 5:58 am

picture courtesy from:

We (KakMaz,KakZa,DD & I) bought this for Khayra. Me and KakZa went to Toys’R’Us Subang Parade. Toys aint cheap. It can cost you hundreds or even thousands. Sometimes been in children/babies department can be stressed and frustrated since I am looking forward to get pregnant. (*-*) My anniversary is coming. Yup our marriage will be 2years old. I hope we will cherish the relationship till the end. Insya Allah.

Ps : Cant hardly wait to buy baby stuff.

Ps2 : Syu, I cant afford to buy you this la. Hehhehe I have shortlisted a few for your lil boy.


.: Top 2 in my life :. October 24, 2008

Filed under: Abnormal Me,Tagged — msmaylyn @ 1:14 am

I been tagged by Timi. What is top 2 in my life? Check it out.

Top 2 things found in your wallet as always:
* Shopping receipts
* cards

Top 2 things to do when i’m sad:
* I cry
* Telling Abg about it

2 songs you can listen to again and again:

* Lucky : Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat

* Love is All : Marc Anthony

Top 2 reasons to watch television:

* Nothing todo

* Abg pays for astro

2 places I’d want to visit 10 years from now:

* Mekah

* New Zealand (but I think next year we will be going NZ)

2 current obsessions:

* Baking (Cupcakes, cheese cakes)

* Recipe book

2 favorite nickname:
* Alyn

* Maylyn

Top 2 favorite food:

* Roti Jala
* spaghetti

2 favorite snacks:
* Snickers

* Doritos

2 favorite website:
* mphonline

* bloggers

Top 2 goals you want to accomplish:

* Bakery shop

* Bemer before 30? Owh I’m only 23 kan?

Top 2 favorite to do:

* Reads

* Surfing internet

2 favorite places:

* Dorothy Perkins (pape tah)

* MPH? (hahaha xde la sgt)

2 things I can’t wait to happen:

* Pregnant

* Our 1st home together complete

Top 2 places where I love to shop:

* Pavillion

* OU?

Top 2 persons to tag:
* Syu

* Lina

ps: But, I usually changed my mind last minute so do not trust the list eh.


.: From opis :.

Filed under: Abnormal Me,Officemates — msmaylyn @ 1:09 am

Each of us got 1. Why mine are 2? Because shafiq gave his to me. I kinda helped him pass his exam that day. (^,^)

ps: by lending the thinkpad to him jek actually.


.: Open House :.

Filed under: AnA,Celebrations,Friends,Raya — msmaylyn @ 12:43 am
Me, Syu and Hubby

Saturday ari tuh, wat makan makan tuk kawans. So sapa yg dtg jek la kwn. hahahha. Amek gambar pn xbyk sbb penat, ngan Syu jek. Sebab mcm cute lak dia pakai baju maternity tuh. To all yg datang , Thanks Ye!!! Tahun depan i wat makan makan lagik. Yang i xjemput tuh, confirm lepas pindah i jemput tau. Skrg dok flat kan agak terbatas la perbuatan.

I baked chocolates cupcakes, Spegetti kuah bolognese and cream sauce. Abg wat agar agar fruit cocktail ok. Hebat x abg i?? Then order roti jala kt Atam, cousin mama. Sesapa nk order pape sila kan ok. I masak sedap!!!

I wat sendiri ok. Saje jek ltk picas nihh..nnt kang xcaya lak

After baked.

Esoknye prepare nk masak kuah spaghetti

Nih wajib ke ada! baru la sedap…sila beli ok

apekah motif nih???

ps: Thanks to those came that night. (*-*), Please come again.


.: Last Day Ella :. October 23, 2008

Filed under: AnA,Celebrations,Friends,Officemates — msmaylyn @ 11:32 pm

At Naili’s

Last week actually, but kan i bizi melanda so now baru leh update. Ella was my colleague, baru jek bermesra then nak benti dh. We went KFC for lunch that day. If not, sure asam pedas…pompuan berdaki jual asam pedas. Geli ok!!! Ramai gak la yg join lunch ari tuh including a fews from my team. Ada gak la amek gmbr tp kt camera ella. Sampai skrg dia xkasik lak ok. Tatau nape dia.

Owh we all kasik dia card besar gile… Sumer org sign. OMG none of us byr kt Rad. Rad esok i byr sket. (*-^)

We all dh plan nk gik Kunang2 weeks before. Petang tuh hujan lebat, jalan pun jammed. Janji ngan mereke pukul 800-830, i kul 8 baru smpi rumah. Then ngan i nk terlanggar minah 2 org bwk moto lagik. Seyes i xpasan dorang. I jalan terus. Emergency brake. Memula xrasa sgt. Balik jek rumah muke abg terus nangis2 mcm gile. Abg lak “Langgar ke x langgar ke x?” Moment tuh berlaku dekat 15minutes. Barula nak gik mandi. Ella dh kol kata Kunang2 tutup for private event. Dem ahhh.

Then they headed to Nailis Ampang. Ok jek la. I rasa smpi pn dekat2 sama kot. Then berbual2 la. Bermesra2. Malas ah nk citer details kan. Sebab i pn macam xigt dh. Rad and i-know-her-bfren’s-name nk balk ada ape tah. His ke rad nye abg ada operate. Then we all lepak2 lagik, amek2 gmbr lagik. Dah penat den baru la sumer nk blk. owh gfren asrul cute ok. Suci jek i tgk. Asrul suci? erkkkk tidak mungkin la kan. Nah kt bwh nih gmbr2 kt nailis.

Asal ngan ko Rad? Macam apo jo…

Asrul ngan ina

Muke asrul paling keji..hahahhaha

pape tah tudung i…

Ella and I

hahahah asal la Rad dh blk time nihhh sure dia agak tensi…

I agak suke gak la gmbr nih….bes ke?

ps: I rasa food at Nailis xbes sgt pnn..sib baik ngan rkn rkn SEBAYA..xde la boring sgt
ps2: Wes Ella, mana gmbr lain???