Msmaylyn’s Blog

Just another weblog

.: Bertukar!! :. April 15, 2009

Filed under: Abnormal Me,AnA,etc,Family,Trip,Vacations — msmaylyn @ 10:45 pm

Ada org itu tukar keje kali ke 9. Nasib baik bukan 9 kali dlm setahun :). Bukan sahaja tukar keje. Blog nye pun sudah masuk yg ke3. Xpe murah rezeki la ye abg. Boleh i berbelanje nk gile. hahhahaha kasik mak mentua sentap. 🙂 xkan nk sentap kan? Menantu kesayangan.

Friday ini, upacara hari keluarga akan bermula. I sgt xsabar ok. Sebab dh lama xjalan2. Lagipun nih xpernah pegi A Famosa Resort tuh. Pernah la dulu, masa opis mama wat family day. Tapi masa tuh resort xde lagik. This is would be the last Family day for our family. Tapi xtahu la tahun depan ada lagi ke x. Rasa mcm ada..kan D?

I amek cuti sampai Monday since abg needs to settle a few things before masuk keje baru. Eleh actually xde menda pun nak buat. Saje create alasan.

Nih si dia punye. I nak low cut kaler merah tetapi di One Utama tiada size. Pegi la tgk kan kt KLCC. Opis i jauh. Please ah abg.. 🙂 Kaler merah low cut UK size 6. Terima Kasih ye. 🙂

ps: Kazen2 ku, sudah kah kamu membeli hadiah lucky draw?
ps2: Sapa mau kasi Harry Potter Boxset 1-7? Rad, kau janji seketol. Lagi 6 ketol? Sapa volunteer? Meh laa. Syu xyah dulu. nanti aku mintak lain eh. 🙂


.: Resolution vs WishList :. April 1, 2009

Filed under: Abnormal Me,etc,Thots — msmaylyn @ 10:03 am

April dah baru nak wat resolution 🙂

1)Resolution: My saving fund bertambah for this year and many years to come.

Wish: I menang contest yang kasik I Seribu juta ringgit. Ada ke seribu juta? Or ada org baik hati tetiba cakap “Alyn, u ni sweet la and nice also” lalu depositkan I berjuta juta duit. Hahaha hidup era Jula Juli ke ko nih Alyn?

2)Resolution: My passion to my current job growth.

Wish: Hahaha I xnak keje. Bole? Bole je tp xyah la nak tergedik2 pakai duit Sang Suami bershopping. Tak membantu keluarga langsung huh. Alyn you should shame of yourself 🙂

3)Resolution: Mengamalkan hidup yang lebih sehat. Eat more greens and exercise regularly.

Wish: I wish I have personal trainer. 😛

4)Resolution: More responsible to the environment. Reduce plastic usage. Recycle. Anything that help our mother earth.

Wish: I wish everyone in this world participate and have awareness in this matter.

5)Resolution: Menjadi Muslim yang solehah.

Wish: I wish the same too.

6)Resolution: Melayan families better.

Wish: 🙂 Ye saya akan.

7)Resolution: Treat Sang Merah to spa.

Wish: Abg would pay all the expenses. Hahaha.

8)Resolution: Take a short course, certificate course maybe.

Wish: I think I would postpone this thing as I am so malas now and I have a lot of things to get done.

9)Resolution: Cook more offen.

Wish: I wish that I can cook like hrmmmm sapa eh (nmpk sgt cook channel pun xtgk J)

10)Resolution: To but another house in 2 -3 years more.

Wish: hrmmm I would love a kampong house near river and pokok durians also manggis. Heaven! Eh napa mcm kt Ulu Kalong jek nih?

11)Resolution: Stop buying unnecessary things.

Wish: I wish to have that I wish to have this I wish to buy that I wish to but this…ishh xkan menjadi nih.

12)Resolution: Menjadi isteri yang baik.

Wish: I am. Err kan Abg?

13)Resolution: Read more. Educational stuff not chick lit ok.

Wish: I have a lot of books. Bibliography mostly. Suke suke. Okla baca Readers Digest. Abg yang stop subcribe, so not really my fault.

14)Resolution: Mendidik anak anak dengan ikhlas amanah dan penuh kasih saying.

Wish: With God’s willing. We will have jugak nanti Amin.

15)Resolution: Brush up my public speaking skills.

Wish: Hahaha. I xnk pun actually. But I’ll try.

Ps: ada jek banyak lagik tau. Tp I rasa my wish lagik byk then my azam. So baik benti.


.: Earth Hour :. March 16, 2009

Filed under: etc,Thots — msmaylyn @ 11:07 pm

Please take this opportunity to save the earth. It’s only an hour. Turn off your lights on 28 March 2009/Saturday at 8.30 – 9.30 pm. Only an hour. Please help to save our earth for the future.

Logon to : Earth Hour for details. Guys, sign up now to support this campaign, Earth Hour.

Ps: Saya menyokong Earth Hour, Anda bila lagi?
Ps2: Abg, sign up ok, klu xi tolong kan 🙂


.: Bye Anis :. January 8, 2009

Filed under: Celebrations,etc,Friends,Officemates — msmaylyn @ 11:16 pm
Gmbr masa oscar night tuh. Anis yg pakai kaler coklat tuh.

Today is Anis’s last day. Farewell dinner pun I xsempat nak gik. Tdk ada farewell lunch since I masuk late shift so xkan la tergedik2 nak gik lunch bagai kan, mahu kena lempang laju2 ngan team lead I. Anis bes sebab dia ckp I younger 3years from my actual age. hahahha gile kentang ok Anis. Memula Rad nih Anis.

Anis n I not even 1 team pun, but mcm ne tah bole kwn. Dia dok meja plg depan kt pintu masuk. Sgt xbes tmpt dia. Sebab tuh la I rasa dia nak benti 🙂 kot. Anis n I talked almost everything. Kagum x. I ofcos la kagum being 2 2 muke sombong mak mampus. Tetapi bole berkawan :P.

Tadik xsempat nak say babai sumer, tetiba jek department korg kosong. Huh dasar balik awal sumer nye. So Anis, Good Luck and All the Best. Tukar keje mmg ada sucks nye but U will learn to love it. (Adakah I kasik nasihat kt diri sendiri?) I am happy for you. This new job might be stepping stone to better career. (Gilek ok I xpenah tulis mcm neh). Owh I xsedih ok u benti sebab u did the right thing. Babai bebeh. See ya. Take care ok!!!

ahahhahaha Gmbr nih mmg khas tuk U ok Anis…Anis and Kwn baik 🙂 btw sapa yang snap gmbr nih??? I xigt pun i amek gmbr nih.

ps: Anis sila bangga diri. Bukan slalu I wat mcm nih ok.
ps2: But I still jeles cupcakes creation itu!!! 😛


.: Over :. September 15, 2008

Filed under: Abnormal Me,etc — msmaylyn @ 11:21 pm

This picture was taken last Saturday while waiting for Mak, Abg, Kak Ura and her dearest hubby get ready for jalan jalan at Jusco Kepong. Ayah was standing there near the fence and looked at me confusedly. The coolest daughter in law and the super duper pemalas to cook.


.: Over :.

Filed under: Abnormal Me,etc — msmaylyn @ 3:21 pm

This picture was taken last Saturday while waiting for Mak, Abg, Kak Ura and her dearest hubby get ready for jalan jalan at Jusco Kepong. Ayah was standing there near the fence and looked at me confusedly. The coolest daughter in law and the super duper pemalas to cook.


.: M.a.y.L.y.n :. August 21, 2008

Filed under: Abnormal Me,etc — msmaylyn @ 1:00 am

Why Maylyn? I have been tagged by Asyida, why I use Maylyn? Not Alyn or my lame name. Well to be honest I hated my name. Fadzlina was combination of ayah and my step mother. So what do you aspect? Mama wanted Fadzlyana, to honor her grandma’s name Aliah. But what past is past. I wished my name were something artistic or unique. Maybe hrmmm errr ok! I admit that I do not have any preferred name. I just wished my name different.

My family called me either Alyn or Anum. My friends called me Alyn. But here in the new office (even it’s been three months, it still new for me) they called me either Fadzlina or Fadzli. Damn! Fadzli what the heck!

Ok ok ok why Maylyn? My cousin gave birth to her son in 1995; I was 14 at that time. She was the eldest cousin and second in our family to get married. She was 30 that time. None related information I guessed.hihihi. Her son, Adam was 1 or 2 years old, he so talkative. Only god knows. He called all his aunts starting with Ma. So supposed I was Malyn. But he just can’t pronounce Malyn. He keeps saying Maylyn. During school holidays I was baby-sit him. His parent pays good money. (*,*) Futhermore he said my eyes were so small. Gilek as if his not small.

Then as times goes by the entire cousin producing heir, and they followed Adam by calling me Maylyn. I like it very much. I love it. It’s really me. The name suits me well. Do you think so? The name is so energetic, young, and fresh. Fresh? Hahhaha

Well thanks to Adam who gave me the name. So that was how I got the name, Maylyn.

Ps: Syu, done!!!
Ps2: Lina, you just asking me about the name…huhuhu


.: M.a.y.L.y.n :. August 20, 2008

Filed under: Abnormal Me,etc — msmaylyn @ 5:00 pm

Why Maylyn? I have been tagged by Asyida, why I use Maylyn? Not Alyn or my lame name. Well to be honest I hated my name. Fadzlina was combination of ayah and my step mother. So what do you aspect? Mama wanted Fadzlyana, to honor her grandma’s name Aliah. But what past is past. I wished my name were something artistic or unique. Maybe hrmmm errr ok! I admit that I do not have any preferred name. I just wished my name different.

My family called me either Alyn or Anum. My friends called me Alyn. But here in the new office (even it’s been three months, it still new for me) they called me either Fadzlina or Fadzli. Damn! Fadzli what the heck!

Ok ok ok why Maylyn? My cousin gave birth to her son in 1995; I was 14 at that time. She was the eldest cousin and second in our family to get married. She was 30 that time. None related information I guessed.hihihi. Her son, Adam was 1 or 2 years old, he so talkative. Only god knows. He called all his aunts starting with Ma. So supposed I was Malyn. But he just can’t pronounce Malyn. He keeps saying Maylyn. During school holidays I was baby-sit him. His parent pays good money. (*,*) Futhermore he said my eyes were so small. Gilek as if his not small.

Then as times goes by the entire cousin producing heir, and they followed Adam by calling me Maylyn. I like it very much. I love it. It’s really me. The name suits me well. Do you think so? The name is so energetic, young, and fresh. Fresh? Hahhaha

Well thanks to Adam who gave me the name. So that was how I got the name, Maylyn.

Ps: Syu, done!!!
Ps2: Lina, you just asking me about the name…huhuhu


.: Cantek ke? :. June 3, 2008

Filed under: etc,stuff — msmaylyn @ 9:11 am

Kete nih parked same place ngan i kt opis. I datang dia dh ada dh, i blk kul 8 lebey pn dia ada lagik. Memang xblk agak nye. Segan kete mcm gitu. hahahhah. Xbaik ok i.xsiap lagik la nih kan?

Tp agak seram la ngan kete nih, i rasa Gen2 nih nk ditukar nye to 2doors. Rasanye la. Korg tgk hah. Stylo eh mcm nih? (“,)

ps : Tgk Sang Merah i relek jek…hahhahah xde pape pn tkr tkr. I love my Sang Merah.
ps2 : Klu the owner of the car reads this, im sorry. Just my 2cent.

.: Cantek ke? :.

Filed under: etc,stuff — msmaylyn @ 1:11 am

Kete nih parked same place ngan i kt opis. I datang dia dh ada dh, i blk kul 8 lebey pn dia ada lagik. Memang xblk agak nye. Segan kete mcm gitu. hahahhah. Xbaik ok i.xsiap lagik la nih kan?

Tp agak seram la ngan kete nih, i rasa Gen2 nih nk ditukar nye to 2doors. Rasanye la. Korg tgk hah. Stylo eh mcm nih? (“,)

ps : Tgk Sang Merah i relek jek…hahhahah xde pape pn tkr tkr. I love my Sang Merah.
ps2 : Klu the owner of the car reads this, im sorry. Just my 2cent.